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          Elmer Mark Kropp, MD

          Click Here to DONATE for 2018 Campaign

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Member, Rotary International
2018 Candidate for California 4th Assembly District<--Click Here
  • Endorsement from Dean of Lincoln Law School<-- Click Here
  • League of Humane Voters
  • 2015-2017 Yolo County Grand Jury
    President, AUC Alumni Association
    Member, Progressive Business Exchange
    MD American University of the Caribbean
    BS University of California, Berkeley
    Volunteer, American Red Cross
    Volunteer, United Way
    Member, I-House, Davis, CA

    CURRENT CV UPDATE in photos and video

    [Video] Mark Kropp prepared biography for his run for the Calforinia Assembly [click here ].
    IMG_amazonclinicr180s.JPG - 19577 Bytes
    Mark Kropp on duty at the Brazilian medical clinic
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    Rotary in Brazil - Presentation about
    Brazilian medical clinic.
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    Mark Kropp selfie on the
    Mexican Baja California penninsula
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    At Berryessa Snow Mountain
    National Monument dedication
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    At Picnic Day 2016 participating in
    International House Davis "float"
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    Leading with the US Flag in the International House Davis "float," Picnic Day 2016

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    Carrying the US Flag in the International House Davis "float," Picnic Day 2016

    Kropp for Assembly 2018, 140 B Street #5-243, Davis, CA 95616, FPPC#1386379..