Click on links to jump to article below:
- • Web Site candidacy statement 2016
- • Kropp enters Assembly race
- From The Davis Enterprise, February 26, 2016
- • Davis physician enters Assembly District 4 race
- From The Daily Democrat, February 28, 2016
- • Kropp enters Assembly race
- From Clear Lake Record-Bee, March 10, 2016
- • Kropp Is Fourth Democrat in Assembly Race
- From Davis Vanguard, March 17, 2016
- • Assembly candidates are looking ahead
- From The Reporter, June 14, 2016
As most Americans I do not take lightly my right to vote nor my responsibility to vote. I have however been a part of the silent majority.
Part of those who do not vote and those who vote when they choose to vote.
I have participated in student government. In high school, college and in medical school. I was Student Body President.
In 1996 I ran as a State legislative candidate for the Democrats in Connecticut.
August 20, 1996:
Kropp for State Rep
Dr. Elmer M Kropp (D) Assembly District #102
Lee Pond Treasurer
155 North Ivy Street #35
Branford CT 06405
In 2000 I ran as a State legislative candidate for the Republicans in California.
I am well versed in federal and state regulations and law. I am a student of the law. I am a student of politics.
It is time, and with the support of my family and friends I am placing my name on the ballot to represent the 4th Assembly District.
I am a resident of Yolo County and now a land owner of Lake County. I begin, as many, with my boots on the ground. My family and I are vested in the future of Clearlake.
I wish to bring to the Assembly a strong understanding of people, behavior, medicine and law.
I believe in independence and freedom to speak and chose. I should not be told “no.” I want people to be answered yes-do it.
In the Assembly it is my plan to write legislation that makes sense. I plan on voting non-sense off the record.
The 4th Assembly District needs a new fresh perspective. The 4h Assembly District does not need career politicians.
I am the individual you need and can count on to represent you!
God Bless America
Yours Sincerely,
Elmer Mark Kropp, MD
1968-We remember!
Assembly candidates are looking ahead
By Jessica Rogness, The Reporter
Kropp, who dubbed himself the “external candidate” throughout this race, said Wednesday he has been asked to serve a second year on the Yolo Grand Jury, and will continue as a member of the Democratic Club of Davis.
“I’m here for the future going forward,” he said.
The future promises an addition to Kropp’s home, as the Department of Homeland Security recently granted clearance for Kropp and his wife to bring a 15-year-old adopted daughter from Brazil to the United States.
Kropp Is Fourth Democrat in Assembly Race
Posted by David Greenwald
Date: March 17, 2016
in: State of California, Elections, Breaking News Davis Vanguard March 17, 2016
Mark Kropp of Davis is the fourth Democrat in the 4th District Assembly race to replace incumbent Bill Dodd. He joins Davis Mayor Dan Wolk, Yolo County Supervisor Don Saylor, and Winters Mayor Cecilia Aguiar-Curry as the other announced Democrats. Republican Charlie Schaupp, who finished second in 2014, is the only Republican in the race.
The Vanguard interviewed Mark Kropp.
Why did you decide to run for the Assembly?
I had a mission since the 10th Grade to go to medical school and learn about health care and then to study the law in order to run for the Assembly and write good legislation to provide services for people. I was in Yosemite with my Boy Scout troop and taking First Aid. I really cannot believe how much that early idea has influenced the life choices I have made.
I earned my MD, I am in the process of completing a JD program and now running for the third time for the Assembly. My business career has focused on pharmaceutical and biotechnology rules, regulations and law not only on a local, state and federal level (FDA-Food and Drug Administration) but also globally (EU-European Union and UN-United Nations).
Describe your background and experience
I am an undergraduate, double major, from CAL Berkeley in Biological Science and German. I studied at the University of Salzburg, Austria for one year. I am an Eagle Scout. I went to medical school on Montserrat, a British Crown Colony in the Caribbean, at a California Medical Board approved school (AUC-American University of the Caribbean). I continued in OB-GYN at Alta Bates Hospital in Berkeley.
I then joined Bayer on the recombinant factor8 Project. This is a genetically produced blood protein used in coagulation. I served in various lab capacities and then joined quality assurance in validation services. I have now worked for over 25 years in the regulatory field for medicine. I served as president for Branford Consultants, a half million-dollar a year enterprise. My spare time has been with Public Access Television. I have served on town planning and environment commissions on behalf of the First Select Woman (Mayor) of Branford, CT. I worked on the campaigns for Bill Clinton in New England and President Obama in Georgia. For the last 5 years I have volunteered as a family practice doctor in the Amazon. We have a clinic and orphanage there.
What is your connection to this district?
I have lived and been in Davis since 1979. My oldest daughter is a graduate of UCD-University of California Davis with degrees in education including a Masters. She now teaches GATE 2nd grade.
I have as well lived around the world (Caribbean, US Virgin Islands, Europe, Brazil). Two and a half years ago I came from Augusta GA and attempted to stop globe-trotting. Unfortunately, my clients have other ideas!
What issue areas are you planning to focus on? Also address your thoughts on improving K-12. Making college affordable? Environmental issues facing district/California? Reforming the criminal justice system? And improving the economy in the region?
My campaign slogan has always been Education, Employment and Environment. The three E’s taken from my first name Elmer. I have stated Elmer means “farming.” I am acutely aware of the pressures of B and B’s and events centers encroaching on our farm lands producing our crops like tomatoes. I plan on creating a cellophane protective zone for those fruits and vegetables that sustain us while still respecting business opportunities for our district.
I wish to campaign for continuing funding for K-12. My father-in-law was Professor of Education at CAL and in fact was Mr. Torlakson’s advisor. His wife has been a special education teacher most of her career. As I stated, my daughter teaches GATE and her boyfriend came out from Boston and is a Special Education teacher as well as coach. I taught technical trade (medical front and back office) and I routinely mentor medical students at our clinic.
I am a firm believer in the fair distribution of monies available for infrastructure of our schools. I believe in a low, if no tuition, based undergraduate programs. We have been ,for a long time, faced with clean air and clean water issues and I will always do my best to protect our environment.
Our current criminal justice system is reflecting choices we made in terms of rehabilitation and incarceration. We should never treat our fellow humans as has sometimes been shown in our prisons. We cannot leave a person locked up for years in an institution not designed for long term. We cannot physically punish. We must emphasize counseling and work on behavior modification. We need to support an individual back into our economy. We also really, really need to look at the social injustices that underlie the simple crimes that are committed.
Our economy will do well with the legalization of cannabis. The tax income calculated at over $100 million dollars can go toward roads, schools and improve our standard of living.
Kropp enters Assembly race

Mark Kropp
By Record-Bee Staff
Posted: 03/10/16, 10:46 PM PST | Updated: 4 days ago
Lake County >> Physician Mark Kropp recently entered the Democratic race for Assembly District 4, the post being vacated by Bill Dodd.
Kropp, 56, is joining Winters Mayor Cecilia Aguiar-curry, Yolo County Supervisor Don Saylor and Davis Mayor Dan Wolk to succeed Dodd, who is running for the state Senate when current Senator Lois Wolk steps down due to term limits.
The Fourth Senate District includes both Yolo and Lake counties, as well as part of Colusa, Napa, Solano and Sonoma counties.
“I am a resident of Yolo County and now a land owner of Lake County,” Kropp said in a press statement. “I begin, as many, with my boots on the ground. My family and I are vested in the future of Clearlake.”
The sole Republican seeking post is Charlie Schaupp of Esparto, a retired U.S. Marine Corps lieutenant colonel. He presently serves as president of the Esparto Community Services District board.
Kropp holds a Bachelor of Science degree from University of California, Berkeley and received his medical degree from American University of the Caribbean. He does volunteer work as a physician in South American, where he specializes in family practices and tropical diseases, according to his website. He has served on the 2015-16 Yolo County Grand Jury and is president of the AUC Alumni Association.
“As most Americans I do not take lightly my right to vote nor my responsibility to vote,” he wrote on his website. “I have however been a part of the silent majority. Part of those who do not vote and those who vote when they choose to vote.”
Kropp said he wants to bring to the Assembly “a strong understanding of people, behavior, medicine and law. I believe in independence and freedom to speak and choose. I should not be told ‘no.’ I want people to be answered ‘yes-do it.’”
“In the Assembly it is my plan to write legislation that makes sense,” continues. “I plan on voting non-sense off the record. The 4th Assembly District needs a new fresh perspective. The 4th Assembly District does not need career politicians.”
Kopp notes in 1996 he ran as a state legislative candidate for Democrats in Connecticut; and in 2000 he ran as a state legislative candidate for the Republicans in California, but does not specify where.
He has participated in student government in high school, college and in medical school.
“I am well versed in federal and state regulations and law,” he writes. “I am a student of the law. I am a student of politics. It is time, and with the support of my family and friends I am placing my name on the ballot to represent the 4th Assembly District.”
Kropp enters Assembly race
By Anne Ternus-Bellamy From The Davis Enterprise, page A1| February 26, 2016
Mark Kropp, a 56-year-old physician from Davis, is the fourth Democrat to enter the Assembly District 4 race.

Mark Kropp. Sue Cockrell/Enterprise photo
Kropp joins Winters Mayor Cecilia Aguiar-Curry, Yolo County Supervisor Don Saylor and Davis Mayor Dan Wolk — all Democrats — and Republican Charlie Schaupp of Esparto in the campaign to fill the Assembly seat being vacated by Assemblyman Bill Dodd, D-Napa.
Dodd, who defeated Schaupp in the 2014 general election, is running for state Senate this year.
Kropp is a biotechnology consultant who volunteers as a physician in South America, specializing in family practice and tropical diseases.
He grew up first in the Los Angeles area and later in the Bay Area and attended UC Berkeley and the American University of the Caribbean, where he received his medical degree.
He currently lives in Davis with his family but is building on land recently purchased in Clearlake.
The fourth district includes both Yolo and Lake counties, as well as all or part of Colusa, Napa, Solano and Sonoma counties.
“I wish to bring to the Assembly a strong understanding of people, behavior, medicine and law,” Kropp said on his website. “The 4th Assembly District needs a new fresh perspective. The (district) does not need career politicians.”
Kropp currently serves on the Yolo County Grand Jury.
Davis physician enters Assembly District 4 race
[Click Here to see the article on the Daily Democrat web site.]
By Democrat staff
Posted: 02/28/16, 10:13 AM PST | Updated
The already-crowded Democratic race for Assembly District 4 has just gotten a little more crowded with the announcement that Davis physician Mark Kropp will seek the post being vacated by Bill Dodd.
Kropp, 56, is joining Winters Mayor Cecilia Aguiar-curry, Yolo County Supervisor Don Saylor and Davis Mayor Dan Wolk to succeed Dodd, who is running for the state Senate when current Senator Lois Wolk steps down due to term limits.
The Fourth Senate District includes both Yolo and Lake counties, as well as part of Colusa, Napa, Solano and Sonoma counties.
The sole Republican seeking post is Charlie Schaupp of Esparto, a retired U.S. Marine Corps lieutenant colonel. He presently serves as president of the Esparto Community Services District board.
Kropp holds a bachelor of science degree from UC Berkeley and received his medical degree from American University of the Caribbean. He does volunteer work as a physician in South American, where he specializes in family practices and tropical diseases, according to his Website. He has served on the 2015-16 Yolo County Grand Jury and is president of the AUC Alumni Association.
“As most Americans I do not take lightly my right to vote nor my responsibility to vote,” he wrote on his Website. “ I have however been a part of the silent majority. Part of those who do not vote and those who vote when they choose to vote.”
Kropp said he wants to bring to the Assembly “a strong understanding of people, behavior, medicine and law. I believe in independence and freedom to speak and choose. I should not be told ‘no.’ I want people to be answered ‘yes-do it.’”
“In the Assembly it is my plan to write legislation that makes sense,” continues. “I plan on voting non-sense off the record. The 4th Assembly District needs a new fresh perspective. The 4th Assembly District does not need career politicians.”
Kopp notes in 1996 he ran as a state legislative candidate for Democrats in Connecticut; and in 2000 he ran as a state legislative candidate for the Republicans in California, but does not specify where.
I have participated in student government. In high school, college and in medical school. I was Student Body President.
“I am well versed in federal and state regulations and law,” he writes. “I am a student of the law. I am a student of politics. It is time, and with the support of my family and friends I am placing my name on the ballot to represent the 4th Assembly District.”
Kopp also notes that he is a resident of Yolo County and owns land in Lake County.
Kropp for Assembly 2018, 140 B Street #5-243, Davis, CA 95616, FPPC#1386379.