Pam Gunnell for Davis City Council
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Pam Gunnell for Davis City Council
Solid Experience for Todays New Challenges

 EXPERIENCE: Pam’s extensive experience has prepared her to
 assume the responsibilities of a council person.

 Never has continuity and experience been more important.Our long term
 city manager and finance director have left.Two council incumbents are
 leaving.Pam ’s years of work on numerous city and school district
 commissions and committees make her uniquely qualified to make informed

 Pam is currently serving as:
     • Chair of the Davis Planning Commission
     • Member of Economic and Finance Commission
 Pam has also served on the:
     • Open Space Commission
     • Major Projects Financing Plan Review Committee
     • Valley Oak Elementary School Site Council
     • Davis Parent Nursery School Board
     • Davis Joint Unified School District Educational Specifications Committee
     • Mace Ranch Park Design Committee

Pam's smile

      Pam is also an adopt-a-park volunteer
in her neighborhood and been an active
volunteer at Valley Oak Elementary School.
She also was a mentor for a single mother
with the county’s Sister-Friend Project.

for further information
Please call Pam Gunnell (758-3721) or Richard Yamagata (753-9750) or
Linna Lippke • treasurer • 3904 Arroyo Ave., Davis, CA 95616

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