Pam Gunnell for Davis City Council
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Pam Gunnell for Davis City Council
Solid Experience for Todays New Challenges

 STATEMENTS: What is at stake in this election.
Not long ago, the city front-loaded residential development that
 created school overcrowding and city budget problems. Not long ago, the city
 gave entitlements for gas stations, fast food restaurants and towering signs
 along the freeway. Not long ago, the city almost cut down the street trees
 along 5th Street and B Street to make way for road widenings.

Citizens have worked hard to reverse these trends with some success.
 But we cannot take this success for granted. I share the goals and values
 of the citizens who have kept Davis so special, and if elected, I will continue
 to uphold these values.
-Pam Gunnell

  From the Gunnell campaign, we would like to thank the community of Davis for
  letting Pam speak, visit and interact with you, the citizens of Davis. It has been
  one of the most enjoyable campaigns in terms of city-wide goodwill that I and
  many have worked. As a worker in her campaign, I got to know her much better.
  I have known who Pam was and her qualifications and her capabilities since 1994,
  when she was put forward by a personally beloved city council member as a
  member of the planning commission. She is one of the most kind, but firm, people
  I have ever met. And, one of the most optomistic in spirit; there was time and time
  again, when I just heard from her how the "glass is half-full," not "half-empty."
  As chair of the planning commission she has shown patience and compassion,
  allowing the public to speak and actually listening to what is being said. She does
  all of this while keeping the meetings on track through the agenda. What I hear
  is that people that appear before the planning commission feel that they have been
  heard and been dealt with fairly in regards to the commissioner and chair, Pam
  Gunnell. She is one of the top three, most constructive and civil people I personally
  know in Davis. Davis is a better place because of her civic participation and I
  personally believe in and agree with what she has and continues to do in Davis.

          G Richard Yamagata
“Pam is the only council candidate
with significant experience in Davis
planning issues. We are facing
challenging times and we need
Pam’s expertise and her thorough
and thoughtful approach to problem
-Sue Greenwald,
 City of Davis
Pam Gunnell for City Council

    “As she is a mother with 3 children in the Davis schools who is
    actively involved in the community, I trust Pam to make decisions
    that will be in the community’s best interest.”
             -John Poulos,
              Davis School Board Member

“Pam has the talent for consensus
building that is needed for this job.
She has my vote."
-Mayor Ken Wagstaff

“I know first hand that Pam has a
deep understanding of the city
budget and the realities of Davis
city financing.”

-Art Packenham
 City of Davis Finance and
 Economics Commissioner
 Pam building concensus

      “Pam will work for environmentally sensitive planning
      that is beneficial to both the city and UC Davis.”
               -Rick Grosberg,
                Professor of Evolutionary
                Biology and Ecology, UCD


for further information
Please call Pam Gunnell (758-3721) or Richard Yamagata (753-9750) or
Linna Lippke • treasurer • 3904 Arroyo Ave., Davis, CA 95616

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